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Bring me chocolate and take me shopping. |
Madness in the Method
An infertile girl in a fertile world
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
An Event a Decade (or more) in the Making
**Note: I started this a few months ago,
but instead of finishing it up I elected to do other things like
cleaning or sleeping.
After a long radio silence I decided today
would be a good time to jump back in with this blogging thing. I
still have some more stories to tel. Why the break? Well, it’s very
difficult to form a string of sentences, let alone a thought when you
have a newborn. Yep! She’s here! All these years later, J3 has
arrived. And on this anniversary of the transfer – or
transferversary if you will – I am going to regal you with the tale
of her birth. So without further ado…….
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to this →
My official due was August 1, 2018. But as
all moms come to find out, that’s usually not reality. I am no
exception. At my last appointment on July 23rd, I was dilated to 4
cm. We talked with my doctor and decided to schedule an induction for
August 3rd just in case I went passed my due date. Neither her nor I
felt comfortable going too far over because of my history.
**Side note: If you ever not want to go
into labor early just have your doctor keep telling you that you’ll
probably have the baby before the end of the month. She kept saying
that and I kept being pregnant. Not that it was bad to stay pregnant,
she acted like it was obvious so every twinge became “this is it!”
It wasn’t. Until…..
few times throughout the day on Friday, July 27th, I felt what I
thought were more Braxton Hicks. They seemed a little more intense,
though. Not painful, but more tightness. So my day went on as usual.
By usual, I mean hanging around, watching TV, and trying to prepare
things as much as I can. All the while balancing the anxiety teeter
totter of impending motherhood and the concern of being pregnant too
long that something might go wrong.
can’t recall when it started, but it was sometime in late evening
that I felt an intense cramping. Every so often I would feel another
one. I will admit that I wasn’t keeping track and didn’t mention
anything to J2 because I wanted one of us to sleep. Then around
midnight I decided to take a shower and see if the contractions would
get stronger or fade away. Several times during my shower I had to
stop to wait for the pain to pass. Does this mean it’s real? I
still wasn’t sure. So I got ready for bed and was going to try to
rest and try to determine if the contractions were getting closer
together. I felt silly because I thought it would be more
instinctual. My instinct gene must be faulty. Then around 1:30 am I
had a strong, painful contraction followed by a pop and a gush of
water broke.
Initiating freak out mode…...
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Just breath...... |
And for a few seconds, I did. I then called
out for J2 because he was downstairs in our bedroom. He rushed up as
I stood there momentarily in a daze trying to figure out what I
needed to do. I elected to put on a bra and t-shirt, just so I didn’t
feel completely out of control. My pj bottoms stayed on since they
had been doused in once was baby girl’s temporary living
environment. Someone just got her eviction notice.
grabbed the hospital bag and our cell phones and we were out the
door. J2 must have been nervous, scared, and excited. How do I know?
He sped all the way to the hospital. J2 never speeds that
excessively. Once we arrived at the E.R., I was taken up to Labor &
Delivery, checked in and escorted to a room. Apparently, I was the
fifth woman there that came in with ruptured membranes.
should be noted that it was a blood full moon with a lunar eclipse.
Is that a sign that it’s going to be a crazy night?
nurse gave me a gown to change into and as I was doing that J2 helped
clean me up a bit. I noticed some greenish discharge. It was as I
suspected, meconium. Baby’s first poops. It can be concerning if it
happens before the baby is born because it could be aspirated. I was
hooked up to an IV and fetal monitors. Enter the next issue: every
contraction caused baby girl’s heartbeat to plummet. And I was
still dilated at a 4. So the first time I saw the doctor (not mine,
but the one on call) she alluded to the possibility that I might need
a c-section. During all this the contractions were hitting me like a
train. No matter how much I tried to breath or J2 massaged my back, I
started to feel like the pain was conquering me. To add to that, most
of them were doubled up. Meaning I would have a contraction and J2
saw on the monitor that it was easing up – BAM! – right back into
one. I couldn’t say how long it was, but according to J2, it was
about four hours and I was done. I hadn’t slept since a small nap
around 6 pm and I don’t remember when I ate last. I’m nobody’s
hero, I tapped out.
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I asked nicely though. |
Wake that doctor and drug me up. The nurse
was really sweet. Totally supported me and said it was a good
decision because I was at risk for hemorrhaging and I wouldn’t want
hands all up my lady business and have to feel it. Whether it was
that much of a concern or just trying to validate my choice, I
couldn’t say. All that matters is that they brought in the
anesthesiologist. Ten to twenty minutes later, a reprieve from the
pain. Yay for drugs! Just in time for the next problem. They didn’t
want me to lay on my back so they had me turned to my left side.
Except when I did, the fetal monitor kept losing J3’s heartbeat.
Each time they had me change sides, the nurses had to readjust the
monitor. Finally, the nurses elected to place internal monitors. Yes,
that means inside, on the baby’s head. Yay for drugs!
Side note
:My birth plan...........
Somewhere around this time I am dilated to
6 cm. One reason they think I’m not progressing anymore is because
baby girl has not dropped all the way. 99 problems, am I right?
(Psst, remember how that was a song?) So the next time I saw the
doctor, she once again mentioned the likelihood of a c-section. I
started to hate her face. No matter how realistic it was, that was
the only thing she focused on in the two minutes she spent with us.
The nurses on the other hand – wow. These ladies wanted to try what
they could to get baby girl to drop. So they turned the bed
practically into a chair. This put me in an upright position to let
gravity do the work. Now epidurals also work with gravity, which
meant occasionally I felt the contractions to some extent. Still no
where near the pain before. Bonus to getting the epidural; I finally
was able to rest. I enjoyed that.
I mentioned – yay for drugs?
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Not today, Mr Mackey. |
Things are a blur. Hours seem to pass by
(well, they did but like I could keep track) and everything is
stalled. Until, finally, the nurse checks my again. Holy hell, baby
girl has not only dropped, but I am dilated to 10 cm. What does this
go time.
Buuuuuuuut, there’s one more issue. Baby
girl is sunny side up. Normal is facing down. The nurses tell me it’s
doable, but will take diligence. So I started pushing, but more
purposefully than gung-ho. Remember that earlier problem with baby
girl’s heart rate slowing with my contractions? Still was
happening. Compensating for this, the nurses would have me push for a
contraction and then I would rest for one or two or until J3’s
heart rate steadied. And so this it how it went for about three
hours. Now and again one of the nurses (I had two in the room for
most of the pushing time) had to step out and J2 would step in to
hold one of my legs. J2 has witnessed things that usually medical
personnel are privy. And he didn’t flinch (or pass out). Isn’t it
gross how much he loves me? Haha!
baby girl’s head worked its way under my pelvic bone, her heart
rate finally steadied and stayed that way. At long last, the nurse
proclaim that J3 was crowning.
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Except not like this. |
And then said she was going to get the
doctor to deliver. I was thinking that they got me this far so they
might as well be the ones to cross the finish line. Those ladies did
all the work (well, I did some, too) and the doctor gets to be the
glory hound. Not in my book. Without the nurses I mostly likely would
have had a c-section. I feel a little bad that I can’t remember
their names. I’m sure it’s forgivable offense though.
odd a moment -- a pause in the midst of progression. And there I am:
supine feeling the pressure from my daughter’s head – waiting. My
thoughts basically consisted of “she needs to come out” and “she
needs to be okay.”
Minutes later, we were ready to go –
again. I pushed. Once. Twice. Thrice. And she was out. (Give or take
a push or two) A cry. One of the best sounds in this world at that
moment. An intense sense of relief washed over me hearing that cry.
The crushing weight of the anxiety I had been pretending wasn’t
plaguing me throughout this pregnancy alleviated. Almost startling in
its suddenness. I have compartmentalized many emotions during this
journey that I almost had to allow myself to, not be happy, but to
feel happy. In the whirlwind this day had been I was briefly numb.
doctor hustling J2 over to cut the umbilical cord. Then J3 is whisked
over to the baby table where she is cleaned up and observed to make
sure she didn’t inhale the meconium. Meanwhile, I deliver the
placenta and am stitched up. Kind of a yada yada moment.
FINALLY!!!! After 15 years of marriage
(about 8 of those years actively dealing with infertility issues with
medical professionals) my daughter was placed on my chest.
This. |
Besides a bruise on her head, she was just
is completely smitten.
or bad, I’ve never worked so hard for one specific goal. But she’s
an amazing addition to our lives.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Week 37 -- Some Happenings and Unboxings
So this post will cover some of the happenings that occurred in the last couple of months, but weren't big enough for separate posts.
First things first...
I have reached week 37, just as I turned 37. Just a humorous observation. My pregnancy app is comparing my baby to a striped skunk.
Not the cutest comparison. What's up with that, app? Although, I do like it better than the food comparisons. Honeydew melon? Really? My child is not in ball form. At least, I don't think she is. Maybe all those books, videos, and classes are lying to me. Like I don't feel unprepared enough.
Speaking of not being prepared....
I keep going over in my head about the item I need. For example, diapering. What essentials do I really need? Sure, diapers and wipes. But what else is recommended? I feel so dumb. I haven't spent a lot of time around babies. Not that reflects how good of a parent one will be. But nevertheless, sometimes I feel like I missed out on picking up tips and basic knowledge from real world experience.
So, I have a good case of anxiety going. Can I admit to that? Or does that make me a bad mom already? I understand that no matter what, there is a learning curve. How does one not freak out?
But, let's move on from me contemplating failure....
Skip back to May where J2 and I took a Childbirth Prep class. During the last class, the instructor showed a video of an unmedicated labor from start to finish. At the end, J2 turned to me and said, "that's looks awful." Haha! Sounds like someone is glad he doesn't have to give birth. Of course, he is entirely supportive of whatever method I want to do. We also got a nice diploma and a blanket. J2 said I probably didn't need another blanket since I have two sources to obtain all the blankets I could ever want. I told him we paid for it, so I'm taking one.
J2 doesn't get birth plans, either. When talking about them, he asked me: "isn't the whole point just to have the baby?" I agreed with him. Having preferences is one thing, but I am under no delusion that birth is kind of a crap shoot. 100% preparedness is a fantasy. Sure, there is something to be said about the experience of pregnancy and labor, but it really is a means to an end. We've waited and been through plenty that we now just want the final product. You might be questioning what J2 got out of the class. He knows how to time my contractions and when to take me to the hospital. That's a good job for him. Oh, yeah. We are prepped.
What other happenings are going on?
First, the crib. While we received the crib from someone J2 once worked with, it was not the color I preferred. However, I could not turn my nose up at a very nice and free crib. It's not offer that comes along for me. Enter the handy husband. So we took it and J2 stained it for me. Came out great.
I love it That is all.
Next, when making a baby registry, many places will send you a gift upon completion. That means you have to go through every category and put a corresponding item on it. I did this with a site called Babylist and Amazon. Here I unbox the Bbabylist box....
Not bad. Seems pretty close to a standard gift box. Nice to see more samples and not just coupons.
Lastly, I also received the Welcome Box from Amazon. Come along for the unboxing....
Can I say wow? I know it's Amazon and they should have some good connections, but still, they really did make the worthwhile. Actually samples of things you will probably use. I know I will. Amazon did not cheap out on this box. Yay for freebies! Amazon also gives you 15% off baby registry items (sold by Amazon, only 2 transaction with a total of $2,000) starting 60 before your due date. This helped get me the stroller I wanted.
I also did a registry for Target and Buy Buy Baby, but never picked up the gifts for them. Perhaps I should. Why can't they deliver?
That sums up a few things I've been meaning to post. A more personal update: I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced as of last Monday. I just figure I'm in a holding pattern. I am also on twice a day Heparin shots. Super fun being awoken at 6ish in the morning.
First things first...
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Except the Lisa part. |
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What mismatched candles? |
I have reached week 37, just as I turned 37. Just a humorous observation. My pregnancy app is comparing my baby to a striped skunk.
Not the cutest comparison. What's up with that, app? Although, I do like it better than the food comparisons. Honeydew melon? Really? My child is not in ball form. At least, I don't think she is. Maybe all those books, videos, and classes are lying to me. Like I don't feel unprepared enough.
Speaking of not being prepared....
I keep going over in my head about the item I need. For example, diapering. What essentials do I really need? Sure, diapers and wipes. But what else is recommended? I feel so dumb. I haven't spent a lot of time around babies. Not that reflects how good of a parent one will be. But nevertheless, sometimes I feel like I missed out on picking up tips and basic knowledge from real world experience.
So, I have a good case of anxiety going. Can I admit to that? Or does that make me a bad mom already? I understand that no matter what, there is a learning curve. How does one not freak out?
But, let's move on from me contemplating failure....
Skip back to May where J2 and I took a Childbirth Prep class. During the last class, the instructor showed a video of an unmedicated labor from start to finish. At the end, J2 turned to me and said, "that's looks awful." Haha! Sounds like someone is glad he doesn't have to give birth. Of course, he is entirely supportive of whatever method I want to do. We also got a nice diploma and a blanket. J2 said I probably didn't need another blanket since I have two sources to obtain all the blankets I could ever want. I told him we paid for it, so I'm taking one.
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My blanket. |
J2 doesn't get birth plans, either. When talking about them, he asked me: "isn't the whole point just to have the baby?" I agreed with him. Having preferences is one thing, but I am under no delusion that birth is kind of a crap shoot. 100% preparedness is a fantasy. Sure, there is something to be said about the experience of pregnancy and labor, but it really is a means to an end. We've waited and been through plenty that we now just want the final product. You might be questioning what J2 got out of the class. He knows how to time my contractions and when to take me to the hospital. That's a good job for him. Oh, yeah. We are prepped.
What other happenings are going on?
First, the crib. While we received the crib from someone J2 once worked with, it was not the color I preferred. However, I could not turn my nose up at a very nice and free crib. It's not offer that comes along for me. Enter the handy husband. So we took it and J2 stained it for me. Came out great.
I love it That is all.
Next, when making a baby registry, many places will send you a gift upon completion. That means you have to go through every category and put a corresponding item on it. I did this with a site called Babylist and Amazon. Here I unbox the Bbabylist box....
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Babylist.com |
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Stuff! |
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Burt's Bee burp cloth |
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Pampers |
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Cetaphil samples |
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Registry cards. |
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Sun hat from Iplay. |
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Not sure. |
Not bad. Seems pretty close to a standard gift box. Nice to see more samples and not just coupons.
Lastly, I also received the Welcome Box from Amazon. Come along for the unboxing....
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Amazon Welcome Box |
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The Opening... |
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Stuff! |
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Pampers. This seems like a common insert. |
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Cute onsie. |
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It's a size 3-6 months. Nice it's not a NB. |
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Binkies. |
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Cleaning wipes. |
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Wipes. |
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Nice bathing samples. |
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Bottle, 4 oz. |
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Muslin Swaddle. |
I also did a registry for Target and Buy Buy Baby, but never picked up the gifts for them. Perhaps I should. Why can't they deliver?
That sums up a few things I've been meaning to post. A more personal update: I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced as of last Monday. I just figure I'm in a holding pattern. I am also on twice a day Heparin shots. Super fun being awoken at 6ish in the morning.
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