Wednesday, March 14, 2018

20 Week Ultrasound. and a Preggo Complaint

On Monday, we went to have The Ultrasound. Meaning the 20 week anatomy scan. Counting all the fingers and toes. Checking the organs. Making sure everything looks normal. And that also means…..

Yes. Half way! This is a very big deal for us. I’ve never been this far along. It’s surreal. I say that because it’s hard to reconcile my anxiety with being this happy. Like I’m not allowed to be too excited or something bad will happen. So don’t take my seemingly disinterest as disappointment.

Moving on from my head space, we start off the appointment like any other. Making sure there’s a heartbeat. Yes, there is. And sigh of relief. The whole thing takes about an hour. The tech takes measurements, pictures, and details all organs. After that, the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor comes in and discusses what was observed. He said all organs appeared normal. Measurements were on target. Even my cervix was holding up with the cerclage.

There she is-- looking good.

The doctor starting talking to us about the progesterone I was taking for preterm labor. He said at a recent conference he went to that the rate of preterm labor hasn’t really declined as much as they thought it would. Even with the use of progesterone. The reason why has to do with the fact there are multiple reason why a woman goes into preterm labor and the shots may only help a couple of those. It just goes to show you how much and often science and medicine can change.
Of course, I’m still going to keep doing the shots. And I should say, he wasn’t trying to discourage us, just giving us information.

And now I want to make a pregnancy related complaint. I can deal with every other symptom, but there is one that may drive me crazy.

Yep, restless leg syndrome. Whether napping or sleeping at night, my legs will twitch. It’s an uncontrollable impulse. And I can’t sleep. It may cause me to have a breakdown. There doesn’t seem to be anything that helps.

So baby girl looks fine and I’ll never fully sleep again. Sounds about right.