Thursday, April 12, 2018

A major milestone

As of today, I am 24 weeks. This is a big moment for me and J2. First, we have never made it this far before. And second, we have technical viability. I know it’s not a guarantee of anything, but it’s a step in the right direction. And baby girl is the size the an Atlantic Puffin.


Aww, cute.

Because of my front-facing placenta, I haven’t felt too much in ways of movement. Now I don’t know what kind of freakish butterflies other women have, but I get more of a popcorn popping feeling. I saw someone describe it as that and I have to agree. Little pops here and there. I can’t wait to feel more. In fact, tonight J2 informed me that he felt a kick last night. I love that he can feel connected to the pregnancy.

This milestone also gave me the confidence to give my leave date at work. A long as this pregnancy continues to go smoothly, my final day at work will be June 29th.

I feel like I can start thinking about my baby shower, buying the larger baby items, looking at getting the nursery together. I even bought maternity clothes.

Next appointment is in about a week and a half. Hopefully, my doctor will do an ultrasound.