Wednesday, November 8, 2017

FET Update #1

How about an update? Currently in the midst of my first FET. What is a FET? It stands for frozen embryo transfer. As opposed to a fresh embryo transfer which occurs days after an IVF retreival. I must say this feels like a breeze compared to the retrieval process. After my cycle started, I went in for a baseline ultrasound and blood work. Raise your hand if you’re shocked by that. Standard modus operandi for a fertility clinic. Everything looked good. Now I’m taking Estradiol, orally, to help thicken my uterine lining. Aren’t you glad you now know that about me? Because you do. I’m also on Lovenox. Again. My stomach looks a little like those athletes who use that cupping method. Except my bruises are more gnarled.

On Wednesday, I have my next appointment. You’ll never guess what they are going to do. Ha ha ha! Did you say blood work and ultrasound? Well, you would be correct.

As of right now, my transfer date is November 14th. That can easily change though. I’ll know more on Wednesday.

A laughable moment happened. I ordered Progesterone from a compounding pharmacy. It’s a suppository that comes in gel form. Many women either choose or have to do the shot form. I opted for the gel because I figured I’m going to be doing enough shots throughout this process. I received the medication; it comes in a tube. The instructions say to measure 1 gram. I’m looking at this tube and thinking, “how in the hell am I going to measure and use it?” Nothing else came with the medication. Sooooo……

Nope. A part of this equation is missing. The next time I saw the nurses I asked. Apparently, applicators should have been shipped with the Progesterone. I contacted the pharmacy and they sent those to me. Got to laugh where you can.

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