Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine’s Day

Once upon a time…..we waited 3 hours to just be seated at Red Lobster and decided we will no longer torture ourselves and peaced out of Valentine’s Day. So no, this won’t be a post about my super romantic Wednesday. And besides, J2 doesn’t do romance. He will remodel the entire house(kitchen in progress), take care of my car, and accept any and all hormonal craziness and infertility(and now pregnancy) requirements and restrictions. But buy flowers…...hahahahaha! And that’s okay. I’ve never once believed the true love comes from cards or candy. It’s all about being there. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Trust and compatibility play a big role, also.

The Hallmark of a great relationship.

Nope, this is a nice little post about getting a romantic shot in the ass. I mean that literally. And yes, I am using literally correctly. J2 and I went to the OB office so a nurse could train us on the proper technique to do my progesterone shots. This is an intramuscular injection.

Brown baggies, not just or liquor anymore.

Yes, as long as my finger!

The brown baggie is to protect the mixture from light.

The nurse taught J2 how to find the right location, insert the needle, check for blood, and inject the fluid. After she walk us through the steps, she actually had J2 perform the injection. Guess what????? It didn’t hurt at all. I didn’t even realize he had the needle in until I heard him asking how to check for blood.

I hope it goes this smooth every time. As I’ve mentioned before, this once weekly injection should help discourage preterm labor. 16 weeks and counting.

I forgot to mention in my previous post that I found I have an anterior placenta. Which means the placenta is forward facing (between my stomach and baby). The downside to this is that I won;t be able to fell her move until a little later. Knowing this, I won’t be getting a Doppler (a little portable device that can pick up a baby’s heartbeat in utero. With the anterior placenta it is difficult to find the heartbeat. I don’t need that stress. So I’ll just impatiently wait for my appointments. These are pretty normal feelings for those of us who have suffered through infertility and loss. If we don’t seem neurotic, it’s because we’re hiding it.

Happy Wednesday to all you single and married and other people!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Surgery Follow-up (13 weeks, 6 days)

About a week and a half passed my surgery, J2 and I went in on Monday for our post surgery follow-up. The cerclage looks fine and is so far doing its job. I may get anxious starting around 17 weeks. But I’m trying to have confidence. I’m not very good at positive mantras. For my little girl, I’ll give it a shot. Well, I would say I’m giving it lots of shots. Haha! See what I did there.

Back to the appointment. I also had another ultrasound (like I would leave that office without one). Here are some pictures…..

Baby girl!

Look at that face!

Look at that face. Yes, kind of alien, but still the cutest. Heartbeat looks super. I tear up just a little
the moment I hear those first beats. Every time I see her is the best time. She was quite that day and not squirmy.

Besides that, we discussed a couple things with the doctor. I can stop taking Metformin for now. That’s a nice break. We will be doing weekly progesterone shots for preterm labor (not covered by insurance) starting at 16 weeks. J2 and I will have a training session and decide If he will do it or a nurse.

It might be a repeat, but it's true.

I also got the all clear to have my hair done again. Yes, I waited because I don’t want to jinx myself. I am weird. And just want this to end in giving birth to a healthy baby.