Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Milestone: 36 Weeks

Well, two days shy of 36 weeks, if you need to be that technical.  Some people just need to be so precise. Well, quit it--I'm the pregnant one here. Haha!

Since my appointment was today, my doctor considered it close enough. And what does that mean? And why is it such a big deal? To answer the first question: I had my cerclage removed. Want to know how it feels? Don't care, still going to tell you. First, that comfortable(sarcasm font goes here) little device known as a speculum is inserted. Then, with some long tong-like grippers, my doctor found the knot she made at 12 weeks and clipped it. I felt some tugging and pressure. Definitely uncomfortable. Maybe even a twinge of pain from the speculum. In all, it probably took two minutes.

The answer to the second question is one you might have guessed. Not only have I (and baby girl) made it this far, but I'm also considered full term. As J2 and I are saying: we have between 0 and 4 weeks.

Honestly, we don't feel 100% ready. We've spent all these months going week to week--and now--BAM! She's almost here. The pressure of choosing a name. The panic of not feeling like you have the stuff you need. The weight of all of it now is pressing down on us. How do you not freak out? Inner anxiety head monologue now complete.

After the removal, my doctor checked me and I am dilated 2cm. This doesn't mean impending labor in the next day or two. But with that being said, my doctor also doesn't believe I will make it to August. Place your bets now.

Next week, we check to see if baby is head down. If I make it that far. Dun, dun, dun!

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