Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week 12(ish) Check-up

Today, we went in for a second check-up with my OB. I’m a day shy of 12 weeks. It’s been a very long month waiting for this next ultrasound. Even though there has been no indication of anything being wrong, I still held my breath when she pressed the transducer to my abdomen. In the past, my track record with ultrasound have been hit and miss. I’ve gotten the best news. I’ve gotten the worst new possible. This time was all good news. BIG sigh of relief.

There she is. In all her fuzzy ultrasound glory. Heart rate is just fine. Seems to be measuring right on track. It’s been over two years since I’ve been this far along. Hurray for the little victories. Of course, I don’t consider myself out of the woods until I can hold her (very much alive) in my arms.

The other purpose of this visit was to discuss putting in a preemptive cerclage. This type of cerclage is placed after 12 weeks gestation to help prevent the cervix from opening and starting preterm labor. Because this seemed to be the reason my second pregnancy failed, we decided this is the best answer to my problem. So I am scheduled for tomorrow morning (bright and freaking early) to have this surgery. I’m a little nervous, but I do believe it is the right action to take.

My doctor also talked to us about starting weekly progesterone shots at 16 weeks. It appears some studies are finding that these shots, from 16 weeks to 37 weeks, help prevent preterm labor in women who have experienced it before. This is only for singleton pregnancies. While we are leaning towards doing the shots, I’m going to mull it over for a bit. So much pressure to make all the right decisions knowing if anything goes wrong I’ll always blame myself.

For this visit I did the glucose test.

Doesn’t that look yummy. If you like things that are so ghastly sweet that it burns when you swallow it. And I failed. But looking at my results online it says that I’m within the normal range, even if it’s the tail end. Give a girl a break! So they want me to do the three hour test. I’ll probably talk to my doctor tomorrow.

So here we are – – 12 weeks and counting. I can’t wait until I get that bump and can feel her move.

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