Friday, September 22, 2017

Day 7 Embryo Update

Well, we officially have 8 frozen embryos. The embryologist confirmed that each one has been biopsied and safely tucked away. It can take 10-14 days for the testing to be completed. The testing we are doing is called preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). PGS will screen the embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. Sooooo…’s mean a return to the waiting game. After dropping from fifteen to eight embryos, I worry how many will be normal. First, you get excited because of the high number. Then, you lose half of them and it feels like the pendulum is swinging the other way. Oh, they tell you not to worry about things you can’t control. I wonder, though, if the worry is not for the situation, but for how we will handle it when we come out the other side.

Our hope is to transfer in October. All depending on my body cooperating and the biopsy results.

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