Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Craziness Begins

My nerves were just chillin’ until I had to go in for my baseline ultrasound. As I drove to the clinic, my gut twisted and my mind reeled with all the things that could ruin the start of this process. I could have a cyst, or multiple ones. My lining might be too thick or too thin. Would my blood work be okay?

Worries abated. Everything looked good. I have a plethora of tiny follicles, due to PCOS, just waiting to grow. So what does this mean? I get to start stims! The IVF process has begun. The wonderful nurse handed me my tentative schedule. She also gave me instructions on how to properly administer the medications. Although, when I was at home trying to mix it up, I still worried about doing it incorrectly.

And what does that mean? Lots of shots, blood draws, and ultrasounds. Which will continue for about the next week and a half. My first three doses will be 150 IUs of Gonal-F and 150 IUs of Menopur. Medication and timing will be adjusted as needed. It is also possible I may transform into a crazy, hormonal monster. Apologies to those near me. Appeasement can be found be leaving chocolate. Or maybe ice cream. Or food in general.

So, tonight was my first shot. And with this being a team effort, J2 had the privilege of playing nurse. He’d look good in a sexy nurse costume for Halloween. 

I am excited and nervous. Doing my best to not have expectations beyond reason. We’ll see if stays that way. 

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