Friday, September 15, 2017

The Harvesting ...Updated

As we drive to the clinic my stomach has began to do little summersaults. The anticipation causes my breath to catch. I'm scared about how things will turn out. I responded well, but will my eggs be a good quality? I have my lucky socks on though...

Now that I’m more coherent as the anesthesia wears off, I shall break down today’s events. After checking in, they took J2 back for his – ahem – sample. Then a nurse came and grabbed me, went over a few things for ER post procedure, and took me back to the prep area. Prep area – ice box. Same difference. I’m sure there’s a reason for it to be cold, but when you’re stripping down it doesn’t seem to make sense. Also, I realize how much I missed J2 because he wasn’t there to tie my gown up. So there I sat on the gurney fashionista style in a thin gown, head cap, and booties (but also got to keep my socks on) waiting to be taken into the OR. My doctor stopped by to brief me about what was going to happen. A few minutes later, a couple of nurses escorted me into the OR. I met the anesthetist, who was very nice. And I was introduced to the lovely embryologist who would be taking care of my little pre-babies and turning them into embryos. And then…….I was out.

Time traveling nearly 30 minutes into the future, I awoke were I started. This time I had J2 at my side. It’s always a relief to see him there. He calms me down. The nurse checked on me and then Dr. G came by. They extracted (as J2 calls it) 20 eggs. That’s a good amount.

Once I was more alert and fairly steady, we left for home. Remember how I said I was uncomfortable earlier? I taken that back. My abdomen feels extremely bloated, but there’s also some pain. I can’t sit up without it feeling like I’m squashing my insides. Moving around is awkward because, you know, all that work your midsection is involved in. Once I arrived home I planted myself on the couch and have been sleeping on and off. Furthermore, these are my plans for the rest of the weekend.

And now…...more waiting.

Tomorrow, we will be given the fertilization report. How many were mature and of those how many could be fertilized. I’m nervous. I really hope we got some good eggs that will then make good embryos. I don’t know if I could bear to fail again. Some semblance of success to generate a peace that this was a journey worth weathering. The discomfort and tiredness increase my apprehensiveness.

I will resume blood thinners and continue those for about a fortnight. Regarding what actually took place today and the how fragile it all is, everything was over so quick.

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