Tuesday, September 12, 2017

IVF Update #3

Welcome to stim day 8. I feel like this:

Just roll me around. Literally.

A beached whale would also be an appropriate metaphor. The copious number of eggs have caused my ovaries to touch. My doctor had difficulty seeing where one ended and the other began. No worries….it’s not dangerous. Sitting is a chore. Stretchy waistbands only. Or dresses. Good news is that I only have a couple more days. The official countdown hasn’t begun, yet. That won’t happen until I get the trigger shot. Here’s what tonight round of meds looked like:


Side note: See what I have circled in red? I cannot tell you how much I love that little thing. It’s called a Q-Cap. Why is it amazing? Let me bring you into the know. Normally, when you are mixing a solution and a powder medication you use a long needle to draw the liquid from one vial and inject into the powder vial. Then, you withdraw the mixture. Finally, you switch to a smaller needle and complete the injection. The Q-Cap eliminates the first two steps. This way you’re not trying to balance the vial while holding the needle and withdrawing the meds. That cute little cap fits over the top and has a tiny needle to puncture the rubber top. Just turn it upside down and pull down the plunger. Voila! Now, the original way is not as formidable as I make it sound. But, I just got excited that something in this process was made easier. Please, just let me have this. Considering my stomach looks like this right now….

Anyway, back to the main update. I still seem to have a rough estimate of 13 follicles on the left and 20ish on the right. Of these 19 are measuring between 13mm – 22mm. My estradiol came back as 2556.1 pg/ml. Progressing nicely. Even my doctor is kind of excited.

So tomorrow I go back for what might be my final scan. It’s getting close. Wow. I still feel like I am I daze that all this is happening. I think by having the days broken up between scans and blood work make it so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Well, that’s from my perspective.

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