Sunday, September 10, 2017

IVF Update #2

Stim day 6, time for more blood work and a follicle check. Estradiol came back as 1478.1 pg/ml. Almost tripling in two days. Next up, the ultrasound. Now, when I mention ultrasounds I am speaking of the transvaginal kind. You’re exposed and uncomfortable. Honestly, at this point, after everything that has occurred, I possess no modicum of embarrassment in stripping waist down and flinging my feet into stirrups. In general, I am a modest person, but no longer in a medical environment. Log that under interesting tidbit of the day.

What did the scan show today? I have amassed roughly 13 follicles in my left ovary and 20 follicles in my right ovary. Of those, from the few my doctor measured, 16 are between 12mm – 16mm in diameter. Not quite mature, but getting very close. Because they don’t want me to ovulate on my own I was given a dose of Cetrotide in office. I will also start this tonight and use it until I trigger. My doctor also decided to drop the Gonal-F injections and just maintain the Menopur at 150 iu.

Next appointment will be on Tuesday. It is possible egg retrieval will happen before Saturday. Which was the original tentative date. This whole process is flying by… I can’t catch a breath. We are excited that my body is responding well.

Symptoms: abdomen is bloated (because of the follicles), bruising from the blood thinner, still tired, breast tenderness, and uncomfortableness due to the bloating. 

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